Friday, November 6, 2009

Thinking Ahead, Looking Back

It seems strange to me that the thing I'm dreading most is the fact that I have so many projects coming up in different classes, and I'm worried that any one of them might be so stressful that it kills off the awesome writing streak I've been having. How bizarre, that my academic career, which is entirely focused on honing my skills as a writer, might become an obstacle to what I feel is one of the most intense writing experiences that I've ever had!

I'm trying not to think about what I'm going to do with this story after I finish, because any time I think about its future, or even where it's going, I start to worry, and right now, the only goal remains to go, go, go, to write and write and not stop. I do know that I would like for people to read it, because I can tell that this is something special, this story, it's something new that I've never tried before, a type of story that I've never tried to write.

Also, I think that it's going to be epic. In scope, I mean, not in terms of genre; so far, there are no swords or sorcery of any kind.

I was going to blog earlier, between my classes this morning, but I found that I didn't feel comfortable with the idea. It was in that computer lab, in the cellar; any UA students will probably know what I'm talking about. It was strange to me that I felt that way, because while I was in a public setting, I just couldn't get relaxed enough to allow for the very raw sort of writing and reflecting that I've been doing lately. More and more, I find that I need closed doors, I need music, I need my space so that I can shut out the world and tune into whatever is inside of me.

Also, I think I've determined that I have the most comfortable keyboard in the entire world. The keys just click so very nicely as I dance over them, and I like that a lot, too. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but the sound of rapid typing is something that I really enjoy, especially when its my own. I don't know why, it probably just makes me feel cool or something.

I am going to make the effort to continue writing on my novel over the weekend. Originally, I was thinking about keeping it to a five day a week schedule, like this blog, but ultimately, given how much I need to do and how little time I have to do it, I think that I should push through. Also, I find that any time I take a break, even if it's just for a day of two, it becomes so much harder to get back into it when the weekend is over. I can tell you right now, I do not look forward to the first blog post of a week, especially if I'm behind.

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